




phi kappa phi荣誉协会.



For the purpose of promoting high academic standards at 奥斯汀佩伊州立大学, Clarksville, Tennessee; maintaining a chapter of Phi Kappa Phi荣誉协会 (to be referred to as “the Society” or “Phi Kappa Phi”) chartered and installed at 奥斯汀佩伊州立大学 on May 27, 1976; and furthering the ideals and objectives of the Society; the members of the 奥斯汀佩伊州立大学 chapter do hereby 采用以下章程进行治理.



第一节. 这个组织的名字是奥斯汀·皮伊州立大学第191章 Phi Kappa Phi荣誉协会.

第二节. The mission is to recognize and promote academic excellence in all fields of higher 教育和吸引学者社区为他人服务. 社会 also recognizes outstanding achievement by students, faculty, and others through various 奖励和邀请成为会员.

第三节.  This organization shall be governed in accordance with the Bylaws of the Society, 2016年7月30日两年期公约通过.



第一节.  章节的功能


1.赞助支持和认可奖学金和/或奖学金的项目和活动 服务.


1.4 Send appropriate delegates who are active members to Society Conventions and other 相关会议或工作坊.

第二节. 章章程


2.2 .向协会执行主任提交修订文件.

2.当分会章程仅为反映社团章程的变化而更新时 approved by a Convention, the chapter bylaws affected by those national changes may 未经全体会员表决修正.

2.当本协会的章程发生改变而需要修订时 如有任何一章尚未将最新的章程送交总部,则应提交本章章程 within 90 days of receipt of those revisions, the Headquarters staff will make the 必要的修改,并将更新后的版本发送到章节.

第三节. 章治理

3.当选主席团成员将至少包括一个由下列人员组成的执行委员会 a President, a President-Elect, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and two Student Vice Presidents. 可根据本章规定设立其他办事处. 学生会员 may hold any chapter office with the exception of President, President-Elect, Secretary, 和财务主管. 分会干事必须保持积极的会员资格(见第三条).2.1) 为了担任公职.

3.2章将决定任期. 当选举发生时,一份报告 将立即,无论如何不得迟于6月15日送到总部.


3.4 At Conventions or times the Society deems necessary, the chapter’s delegate will 代表分会投票.

第四节. 章会议

4.1 Chapter meetings will be held upon call of the President or the Executive Committee. 秘书将正式通知所有现役成员分会会议.

4.2. 至少多数出席会议的成员或执行委员会成员会同意 constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any regular or special meeting.

4.3 In all matters not specified by these Bylaws or the Society Bylaws, the procedures 将采用现行版《365bet平台》中所载的规定.

第五节. 第二章对社会的义务

5.1 Chapters will submit by the specified date certain reports to Society Headquarters. These include, but are not limited to, the Chapter Officer List, the Chapter Annual 报告,以及章节财务报告.

5.2分会将提交所有入会材料,包括但不限于 Transmittal Checklist, Permanent Record of Election Forms, and initiation 费用, to 协会总部在发起后30天内. 所有启动材料 6月15日前交回协会总部.




第一节. 会员 in this Chapter is open to scholars with integrity 道德标准高 from all academic disciplines without regard to race, color, gender, national origin, 宗教、年龄、残疾、遗传信息或性取向.

第二节. 获授权的会员类别如下:

2.1 Active members of the Society are those who have paid Society dues for the current 一年. 同时缴纳协会会费及分会会费(如分会有规定) 也是协会和分会的积极成员吗.  会员选择可以成为 active members in more than one chapter by submitting chapter dues to each chapter.

2.2 生活 members are those who have been invited and initiated and have paid the life 或已被董事会的行动给予这一地位. 生活 本会会员如欲继续担任分会会员,必须继续担任 按各分会的规定,支付所需的会费.

2.3 Special 会员s are conferred upon approval of the Executive Director, Society President and appropriate Regional Vice President and upon the payment of appropriate 费用.

2.31 .对协会有杰出贡献的会员可被提名 由某一成员或某一分会授予杰出的会员资格. 个人将收到 Phi Kappa Phi的终身会员和杰出会员证书.

2.32 A nonmember (not an alumnus/alumna, employee, or student of the chapter’s institution) who has achieved eminence in some academic, creative, intellectual or other career endeavor may be nominated for honorary 会员 by a member, chapter, or the Board. 个人将收到 a life 会员 in Phi Kappa Phi and an honorary member 证书.

2.未缴付当年会费之会员为非活动会员 who do not enjoy the privileges of voting, serving on committees, or serving as chapter 或社团主任.

第三节. Those persons who are recognized by Chapter # 191 may be invited in compliance with 以下标准:

3.1 Undergraduate students in any department at 奥斯汀佩伊州立大学 who have 在该机构完成至少24个学时或同等学时,并且

3.11人,在他们的大三,学术排名在前7名.百分之五 class, after completing at least two academic 一年s or 72 semester hours or the equivalent, or

3.12 who, in their senior 一年, rank academically in the upper 10 percent of the class after completing at least three academic 一年s or 90 semester hours or the equivalent 在被邀请的时候.

3.学院或大学任何部门的研究生和专业学生 who have completed at least 18 semester hours or the equivalent at that institution and as post baccalaureate students rank academically in the upper 10 percent of all 研究生和专业学生.

3.3 Former students who meet the requirements for 会员 who have graduated since 本章成员的最新邀请.

3.4 Members of the institution’s faculty, administration, professional staff, alumni, or community leaders who exhibit excellence 道德标准高 may be extended 会员.

3.被邀请的人数不得超过被邀请学生人数的百分之四 那一年的章节.

3.42 Chapters that invite fewer than 200 students per 一年 may be allowed to initiate 每年最多8人.


第四节. All invitations to 会员 will be approved by a two-thirds vote at a regularly called meeting of the chapter at which a quorum is present or by mail/electronic mail 投票发给所有活跃会员或由分会执行委员会投票.


第五节. 积极成员(见第三条).2.1)享有公司提供的所有福利 by the Society and are eligible to serve on Society committees and hold Society office.

第六节. 成员的责任

6.1 Members should conduct themselves at all times in a manner consistent with integrity 道德标准高.

6.2 If a member fails to behave with integrity 道德标准高, the person’s 会员 may be revoked by the chapter’s Executive Committee or by the Society’s 董事会. 如果会员资格被撤销,该人有权上诉 this decision to the Board, Executive Director, and appropriate Regional Vice President.





第一节.  社团费用、会费和评估

1.1 The following types of 费用, dues, and assessments may be collected by the  Society:


1.12 .入会费




1.21 The Board establishes the amount of 费用, dues, and assessments for the Society.


第二节.  分会费用及会费

2.每个分会有权决定分会发起费用 会费和章生活会费.




第一节.  These chapter Bylaws may be amended by the affirmative vote submitted by two-thirds of the active members, provided the proposed amendment or amendments have been given 会前30天发给积极的分会成员.

第二节.  本附例的所有修订须与本会附例保持一致.
