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Donating to Paws to Care

How You Can Help

Paws to Care appreciates your donation, regardless of the amount. Even a $5.00 donation helps. However, a group, organization, or club with more resources can participate in the Adopt-a-Cat program. For $300, you can provide one feral cat with vaccinations, a spay/neuter procedure, and food for one year.

We also gladly accept Purina Cat Chow Complete dry cat food (in the blue bag). If you have food to donate, please see Corina Ravenscraft at the 365bet Woodward Library.

To make a donation to Paws to Care, please follow this link.

For more information about how you can help, please contact Corina Ravenscraft by email ravenscraftc@jilinheiyanjing.com or by phone 931-221-7193.