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Robert Thornton Crews

Robert Thornton Crews
1933 - 1999

Medical Technology Program Director

Professor of Biology

Robert T. 克鲁斯于1933年10月12日出生在佛罗里达州的彭萨科拉,是家中最小的 eight children. 他的父亲桑顿·克鲁斯(Thornton Crews)是一名牧师,母亲蒂莉(Teelie) Shaefer Crews, a homemaker. Robert told of memories of his father being paid in eggs, 水果和香蕉茎(其中许多是他们卖的),以及他的母亲是多么精通 was at killing the chickens for Sunday lunch. He knew the value of a dollar.

Dr. 克鲁斯毕业于俄克拉何马州希顿市的希顿高中,并获得 his B.S. from Auburn University in 1955. He interned at Baylor University Hospital 并于1956年获得医疗技术证书. Back in 那时罗伯特的本科学费大大减少了,因为 he was a minister's son. 罗伯特回到奥本在奥本大学任教 他在攻读硕士学位的同时还攻读了医学技术课程. There he met and married Hester Bickel (Crews). He worked full time and supported a family while pursuing his master's and doctoral degrees.

罗伯特和赫斯特有两个孩子和五个孙子. Their son, Kenneth B. Crews, is a Secret Service Special Agent. Kenneth and his family moved from Clarksville to Chattanooga in 1999. 罗伯特和海丝特的女儿卡里尔·克鲁斯·诺尔顿是硕士 prepared Speech Pathologist. Caryl and her family are in Germany where her husband, Major Davin Van Knolton, is serving in the military.

在1998年4月13日的《365bet平台》(365bet)杂志上,克鲁斯写道:“我的高中年鉴 says I want to be a medical technologist." Influenced by his brother-in-law, who worked 在医学实验室工作时,克鲁斯说:“我想,这是一份令人兴奋的工作. It got in my mind that's what I wanted to be."

Dr. 克鲁斯的职业经历在他教书之前都是隶属于实验室的 1959年在奥本大学实习期间在德克萨斯州达拉斯的Wadley血库工作 at Baylor Medical Center; then Mobile County Hospital, Mobile, Alabama for nine months until Uncle Sam wanted him. While at Fort Ord, California, for two years, he worked 在加州萨利纳斯的萨利纳斯山谷纪念医院上白班 evening shift at U.S. Army Hospital, Fort Ord. Returning to civilian life, he worked 在佛罗里达州盖恩斯维尔的佛罗里达大学教学医院,他就在那里 Serology Division Head. 在阿拉巴马州奥本大学,他被任命为讲师 在实验室技术系,他的第一个教学任命. He served 作为医学技术学院的教学督导. Mary's in Knoxville, 田纳西州,随后被任命为教育协调员 & Administrative Technologist at Wesley Medical Center, Wichita, Kansas. He returned home to the South in 1971, 他在南密西西比大学的系里工作了13年 从教育协调员到系主任. In 1980, he completed his Ph.D. in Science Education, with a minor in Genetics, at 他在南密西西比大学建立了他们的大学基地 Medical Technology Program.

Dr. 克鲁斯于1981年搬到奥斯汀皮伊担任项目主管,并建造了一个 将专业预科课程转变为以大学为基础的3+1课程. One hundred twelve students graduated from the program under his leadership. After seventeen years of 克鲁斯退休后,继续教授人体解剖学课程 & Physiology at the 365bet Fort Campbell Center. During his years in Clarksville, he 也是沃菲尔德大道基督教会的成员和长老.

Dr. 克鲁斯在建立Lambda Tau的三个分会中发挥了重要作用 医学技术荣誉学会):1961年在奥本大学,后在大学 of Southern Mississippi, and last at Austin Peay. In 1988, Dr. Crews committed to 在Austin Peay设立医疗技术奖学金,1991年他鼓励 365bet医疗技术俱乐部(现在的Lambda Tau)开始为该基金捐款. 十多年来,他每年都将学生的捐款数额进行匹配, including his first year of semi-retirement in 1999. At the June 4th pinning ceremony 对于1999届MT班,项目教员和生物学主席很高兴 宣布奖学金基金今后将被称为罗伯特T. Crews Medical Technology Scholarship Fund. Dr. Crews, his wife, Hester, and their son, Kenneth, 他的家人也出席了奖学金的揭幕仪式. Glinda Jenkins, 诺斯克雷斯特医疗中心的实验室经理,奥斯汀皮尔大学的校友,领导了这项研究 一九九九年为增加帐户本金而进行的筹款活动. Contributions 从学生、同事和项目校友那里总共收到了2700多美元, 将奖学金本金增加到1万美元以上. As a result of this 增加捐赠,两个适度的奖学金被宣布为第一个 time, to members of the class of 2000. More than fifty individuals donated to the scholarship to honor Robert T. Crews and to increase the principal to a size suitable for initiating awards from its earnings. Dr. Crews received a certificate which identified the donors at the ceremony.

在听取了学生会成员的意见后,我们选出了两个奖项. The 更大的奖励,每年奖励支出的五分之四,颁发给学生 有经济需要,学业成绩优异. This award is identified as the Robert T. Crews Scholarship. The smaller award, one fifth of the 每年颁发奖项,表彰在Lambda中表现出领导能力的学生 Tau. 此奖项为“Lambda Tau领袖奖”. The two awards are presented at the annual MT student Thanksgiving luncheon.

Dr. 克鲁斯于1999年8月被诊断出患有恶性黑色素瘤,并在家中去世 home on December 21, 1999. 他被安葬在克拉克斯维尔的雷斯海文纪念花园. Dr. 大卫·斯奈德教授兼生物系主任说:“鲍勃·克鲁斯 是生物系最勤奋最有能力的教员之一吗. 他建立了我们以校园为基础的医疗技术项目,并负责保护和维护 它的认证,并监督我们与地区医院临床实验室的隶属关系. 当他1998年退休时,他留下了一个良好的状态和良好的管理项目. That is his legacy to us. 我们对鲍勃·克鲁斯的回忆是美好的,他那富有感染力的微笑, 明智的建议和令人愉快的个性将被所有有幸的人所怀念 know him."

Memorial contributions may be made to the Robert T. Crews Medical Technology Scholarship 或者去365bet平台的盖特韦临终关怀医院. Make checks payable to the Robert T. 克鲁斯医疗技术奖学金和邮件捐款 Austin Peay州立大学4668校区医疗技术项目主任, Clarksville, TN 37044. (Contributions are tax deductible.)