

选择性实习训练(OPT) is a temporary work authorization available to international 学生在他们的领域获得实践经验.

OPT is an option for students who have been in valid F-1 status for at least one full 并计划在美国找工作.S. 在他们的研究领域. OPT is recommended by the Office of 国际学生服务, but final approval 是由美国政府批准的.S. 美国公民及移民服务局(USCIS).

帮助我们保持您的信息最新(并保持在USCIS合规性!),请 使用 更新资料表格.



补选择 allows students who have 不 yet completed a degree program to 获得校外就业许可. 预完成申请流程 OPT is the same as for other types of OPT and requires 2-3 months processing by USCIS.



Post-completion OPT allows up to one year of employment authorization after completion 的研究. 学生可以在课程开始前90天申请,在课程结束后60天申请 结束日期. 



Students who have received a bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral degree in certain STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) fields may be eligible to apply for 毕业后OPT延期24个月.




  1. 阅读有关OPT的信息.
  2. 参加OPT工作坊(可选).
  3. 申请OPT I-20,请填写 365bet OPT申请表 (第5及6页). 最多10个工作日的处理时间.
  4. 准备其他USCIS I-765申请材料(如下)
  5. If desired, set an appointment with OISS to file your OPT application, or wait for 你要自己提交新的I-20表格.
  6. 美国入籍与移民服务局网站.
    1. 点击右上角的“登录”,然后点击“创建帐户”.
    2. 创建帐户. 
  7. 来你的OPT预约提交I-765,或者自己提交I-765.



USCIS I-765申请材料

请查看 美国入籍与移民服务局网站 的更新.




一般来说,在美国的F-1学生.S. 不超过五个不同的 历年免征社会保障税. 你一定要带 this to the attention of your employer because many employers are 不 familiar with 这是税法的规定. 持F-1签证的学生需缴纳所有其他税款 这可能适用于联邦、州和地方政府. 更多信息请咨询 with a tax professional and/or Publication 519 of the Internal Revenue Service.


F-1 students are responsible for complying with all immigration regulations, including 就业法规. 未经授权工作是严重的违法行为 在美国的非移民身份.S. 如果学生不遵守,他或她可能不会 be eligible for benefits normally granted to F-1 students and may jeopardize his or 她在美国的逗留.S. 在美国接受任何工作之前,学生应该 咨询国际学生服务办公室.

  • 专业相关就业. OPT is intended to enhance an F-1 student academic program by providing a means to 在他或她的研究领域获得经验. USCIS认为在工作中工作 与他或她的专业无关,违反F-1身份.
  • 雇佣期限. Once an F-1 student completes his or her degree, he or she can不 work on-campus or 直到他或她拿到工作许可证,并且开始上课的日期已经到来.
  • 失业时期. During post completion OPT, students may 不 accrue an aggregate total of more than 90 days of unemployment during any post-completion OPT carried out under the initial 竣工后OPT授权. 更换雇主不需要特别许可 或者终止雇佣关系.
  • 报告工作变动. An F-1 student authorized by USCIS to engage in 可选实践培训 is required to report within 10 days of any change in the following: employer name, employer address 和/或就业和/或失业期间. 更新你的就业信息 更新资料表格
  • 更新本地地址. An F-1 student authorized by USCIS to engage in 可选实践培训 is required to report within 10 days of any change in the following: legal name, residential including 从一个宿舍到另一个宿舍或邮寄地址的变化. 更新您的地址 更新资料表格
  • 保持你的移民文件的有效性. F-1 students should keep his or her passport valid for at least six months in to the 未来. F-1学生在美国境外旅行时应保持其签证有效.S.
  • 入境文件副本. F-1 students should keep copies of all immigration documents including: passport photo page, visa in passport, I-94 Form, current I-20, all copies of any I-20 issued.
  • International travel 之前 the completion of an F-1 student’s academic program.  F-1 students must have the second page of your I-20 form signed by a university DSO 在旅行之前. I-20上的签名日期仅在一年的旅行中有效; 检查签章,确保签章在返回时有效. 在离开之前 you must check to make sure that your student visa will still be valid upon re-entry 进入美国.S. 如果没有,则需要在您返回之前申请新的签证 到美国.S.
  • International travel after completion of an F-1 student’s academic program. The guidance for travel of students who have a valid visa is related to whether OPT has 是否已经批准.
      • 如完成后OPT 没有 工作许可卡(EAD卡)还没有被批准  yet issued by USCIS, and there is 不 a job or a job offer, an F-1 student may leave 然后重新进入美国.S. 以有效的旅行证件继续寻找工作 在OPT I-20的第二页签名.
      • 如完成后OPT has been approved -EAD card has been issued by USCIS and there 是一份工作 or 如果有工作机会,F-1学生可以离开并重新进入美国.S. 为了开始或重新开始 在OPT I-20第2页有有效的旅行签名的工作.
      • If your post-completion OPT has been approved and an F-1 student leaves the U.S. 之前 找到一份工作或工作邀请,OPT结束,学生 可能不 重新进入美国.S. 作为F-1学生.
  • 申请:
    • 前/后完成opt -使用“接受雇佣许可”
    • STEM OPT延期使用“我接受工作许可的续期”
  • #1: Be sure to write name in correct order (Family, First, Middle)—this is what will 写在你的EAD上. 用大写字母写姓氏. 第一(如果有的话,还有中间) name should 不 be all caps; only first letter should be capitalized. 这个名字应该 匹配你的OPT I-20和护照.
  • #3:使用在未来3个月内有效的地址. 如果地址是 不 known or there is possibility of change, 使用 Office of International Student 服务(见下文). 任何要求提供证据、通信或工作卡的请求,如果获得批准, will be sent to this address so it needs to be an address that will be regularly checked.
      • 365bet ISS 邮箱4664; 克拉克斯维尔37044
  • # 4,5,6:应该与你护照上的信息相符
  • #9:如果没有,写“none”
  • #10, 12, 13, and 14: This is information from most recent entry on I-94/passport stamp.
  • #11:如果从未申请过:勾选“否”


  • USCIS office: see EAD card number for office code: YSC-Potomac, LIN-Nebraska, WAC-California, eac -佛蒙特州,src -德克萨斯州,msc -密苏里州
  • 日期:EAD卡上的起始日期
  • 结果:
    • if approved—Granted (include copy of front/back of EAD card with application)
    • 如果不批准,则拒绝
  • #15:目前状态:F-1学生
  • #16:如果是预完成OPT,使用:(c)(3)(A).
    • 如果完成后OPT,使用:(c)(3)(B).
    • 如果是STEM扩展,请使用:(c)(3)(c).
  • #17:只需要STEM扩展
    • 学位:写作水平的学位(i.e. 学士、硕士、博士等.)
    • 雇主名称:如E-Verify所列
    • Employer’s E-Verify number—should be able to get from company’s HR department
