
Information for prospective students

这个部门提供三个B.S. 学位和一些辅修课程. 当学生选择学位时 to pursue, they also choose a concentration in that 学位. 请探索我们的学位, concentrations, and 未成年人 in the 大学的公告. 对于每个浓度,你 can also view sample 4-year 学位 plans.

田纳西州的承诺 的 department supports 田纳西州的承诺 participants, who are able to complete 四年内拿到学位. 田纳西州的承诺 students must be admitted to 365bet seeking an Associate’s 学位, which is usually completed in four or five semesters. 后 完成副学士学位., the student continue their studies by declaring a B.S. in Computer Information Systems, 还是B.S. in Computer 信息技术, 还是B.S. in Computer Science for the remaining three or four semesters.  更多的信息 on the 田纳西州的承诺 at ASPU can be found at the Office of 金融援助's 田纳西州的承诺 页面.

第二学位/专业 Students who hold a bachelor’s 365bet学位 or any other regionally accredited college or university may subsequently earn a second bachelor’s 学位 OR a second major 从阿卜苏 (Minimum university-wide requirements: Complete an additional 30 hours 365bet credit; 24 of these hours must be earned in upper level courses numbered 3000-4999).

更多的信息 的 department supports a large number of traditional students, students on the Tennessee Promise, transfer students, and students seeking second 学位s. 就像每个学生 situation is different, we encourage you to contact us in order to schedule time with an advisor who will be happy to discuss the programs and how they fit with your needs. Please use one of these methods to contact us and let us know that you would like 与顾问交谈.



的 Computer Information Systems major prepares students to work in technical but 计算机应用领域. While maintaining an emphasis on programming, it addresses several areas of application, including systems development and cybersecurity.

浓度 4年计划示例
General Information Systems Concentration General Information Systems Concentration 4YP
网络安全浓度 网络安全集中度4YP


Computer 信息技术 (B.S.)

的 Computer 信息技术 major prepares students for a career in certain professional job tracks within the information technology field. 这些曲目包括 web developer and administrator, database administrator, and network administrator.

浓度 4年计划示例
计算机网络专业 计算机网络专业 4YP
Web和数据库集中 Web和数据库集中4YP



的 Computer Science major covers the technical areas of computing with an emphasis on programming and algorithm 设计. It includes a significant mathematics component. It allows students to study traditional computer science topics as well as topics in the newer area of software engineering.

浓度 4年计划示例
General Computer Science Concentration General Computer Science Concentration 4YP
Software Engineering Concentration Software Engineering Concentration 4YP



该部门提供一些未成年人.  的se 未成年人 are open to any student, regardless of whether or not their 学位 is Computer Information Systems, Computer Information 技术或计算机科学. For information on these 未成年人, please check the 大学的公告.

注意: 的 Computer Information Systems 学位 has restrictions on 未成年人 and these 未成年人 cannot be used to fulfill the 学位's requirements.  这些未成年人可以添加为 第二小调. Talk to an advisor before adding a minor.

  1. Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Minor introduces students to several areas in and related to artificial intelligence. 的 minor includes courses in general artificial intelligence, machine learning, and robotics.
  2. 计算机网络 provides students with an in-depth understanding of the foundations of data communication 现代网络技术. It develops technical skills needed to deploy and manage an enterprise network in a secure computing environment.
  3. 计算机科学辅修 covers the technical areas of computing with an emphasis on programming and algorithm 设计.
  4. 网络安全小 prepares students to work in the information security and data protection areas. It emphasizes data communications, network security, cryptography, and computer forensics.
  5. 网络技术辅修 introduces students to the basic areas of Web 页面 设计, creation, and management. It includes an introduction to programming, an introduction to web development and web 页面 设计, an introduction to scripting using several platforms, and an introduction 数据库管理.

In some cases, there are significant overlap between the requirements of a 学位 还有未成年人的要求. In order to ensure students are learning new topics when selecting a minor, students with computing-related 学位s may not select certain 未成年人.

  Artificial Intelligence and Robotics minor 计算机网络辅修 计算机科学 网络安全小 Mobile Software Technology minor (discontinued) 网络技术辅修
**计算机信息系统.S. 是的 是的 No No 是的 是的
计算机信息技术B.S. 是的 No 是的 是的 是的 No
计算机科学B.S. 是的 是的 No 是的 是的 是的

** 的 Computer Information Systems B.S. (目录年份为2021年秋季 & 2022年秋季) 非计算机辅修.  的se 未成年人 do not meet that requirement, but may added as 第二小调.