
CoSTEM明星 (Students Achieving and Reaching Success) 教师-Student 指导 Program



CoSTEM明星 program helps guide students on their academic and professional growth 通过指导. 指导 not only ensures academic and professional 成功 but also foster fellowship and provide a platform that encourages students to express 他们的声音. It supports students in finding resources to meet personal needs and 目标. An investment in mentoring enhances well-being, degree completion rates and 成功! This is an intentional informal effort to help build collegial relationship 教师导师和学生之间. 教师导师可以为学生提供以下建议 好处:





You can choose any faculty of your choice out of the available mentors or a faculty mentor will be personally matched to you to help with whatever challenges you might encounter in your journey toward reaching your academic and career 目标. 你的导师 可能是你专业的教员. 或者你可以问任何你的教练 关系与.  不要害羞!  你以导师的身份接触的教员 请求会为你的请求感到荣幸! 有时,由于繁重的工作,教师 member may not be able to enter into a mentorship agreement with you.  别生气. That instructor should be able to help you find another good match. 我们欢迎 appreciate you being a part of this voluntary program, which provides you with access to faculty who care about your academic and career 成功.



Dr. 科迪卡温顿 是化学系的讲师吗. 他的研究兴趣是计算机 化学与物理. His hobbies include table tennis, banjo picking, 3d printing, 电子产品和Smash Bros. 他在办公室外面放了一张乒乓球桌,经常自夸 他从来没有被学生打败过.


  • 对CoSTEM所有领域感兴趣的学生
  • 所有的学生

Dr. Manisha圣人 is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Biology in the College of Science, 技术,工程和数学. 作为肯塔基大学的研究生, Dr. Gupte研究了肥胖对血压的影响. 在她的研究生工作中 at Vanderbilt University, she studied the effect of obesity in heart diseases and 糖尿病. She teaches Human Anatomy and Physiology, General Biology, and Cell and 分子生物学. Her research interests are Obesity, Heart Failure, and Diabetes.


  • 所有的学生
  • 第一代学生
  • 对CoSTEM所有领域感兴趣的学生
  • 对生物医学研究感兴趣的学生
  • 对医学感兴趣的学生

Dr. 阿派内芝 是化学助理教授吗. 她教有机化学和普通化学.

She does research in organic synthesis, medicinal chemistry and natural product extraction 本科生.


  • 对CoSTEM所有领域感兴趣的学生
  • 对医学感兴趣的学生
  • 对药学感兴趣的学生
  • 国际学生

Dr. Emmabeth沃恩 is an Assistant Professor in the Physics, Engineering, and Astronomy Department.

Before coming to Austin Peay, she worked in industry as a Product Development Engineer 为凡士通建筑产品. Her research interests include polymer physics, nanoparticle 扩散和工程教育. 她的丈夫让她在校外忙得不可开交 还有两个小孩.


  • 学生家长及家庭
  • STEM专业的女生
  • 对CoSTEM所有领域感兴趣的学生
  • 所有的学生

Dr. 艾伦Chaparadza 是化学副教授吗.

Before coming to Austin Peay State, he taught at Lane College and The College of St. Scholastica. He teaches fermentation science, general, physical and materials chemistry.  His research interests are in fundamental issues and challenges affecting materials use in chemical sensors, environmental remediation, biomaterials, and metal matrix 用于结构加固的纳米复合材料.


  • 对CoSTEM所有领域感兴趣的学生
  • 第一代学生
  • 转学
  • 所有的学生

Dr. 吉尔伯特皮特


Dr. 莱斯利Hiatt


If you are an interested in the program and would like more information or to apply, 请填写下面的表格.

按住ctrl同时单击以选择多个. MAC命令.
按住ctrl同时单击以选择多个. MAC命令.



指导 is a relationship built on trust in which a more experienced person guides and helps a less experienced person with education or career development. 这个角色 of a faculty mentor is to provide encouragement and guidance as you go through your 大学生涯. A mentor will help you set 目标 and find the path and momentum to 实现这些目标.

导师帮助学生发展和实现目标. 这些目标可以是针对个人的 growth, career preparation, or 成功ful transfer to another college program. 指导 帮助你成为最好的自己.

To participate in this program, we ask that students enter into an agreement with their mentor specifying 目标, how to 实现这些目标, and when to schedule meetings 和他们的导师. We expect students to meet 和他们的导师s at least three times 有建设性地朝着自己的目标努力.
Student may sign up for a mentor by completing the form above.

The CoSTEM明星 program at 365bet facilitates mentoring relationships in the following 方法:

  • 协助配对学生和教员
  • Providing a framework for a professional relationship that encourages goal setting 个人成长
  • 培训教员有效地协助他们的学员
  • Coordinating with advisors to ensure the best advice for the student

教师 mentors are expected to fulfill at least some of the following roles and responsibilities:

  • 协助学生形成切合实际的目标
  • 对选课和转学提供建议
  • 引导学生了解校园和社区资源
  • 监督学生的兴趣和学业进展
  • 了解奖学金和实习的机会
  • 检查学生的简历,作品集和面试技巧
  • 讨论职业选择和获得成功的途径
  • Collaborate with advisors to provide students with timely, accurate information

Requirements to become a mentor:  A credentialed faculty member with teaching experience or a staff member who is credentialed to teach and has teaching experience.


To become a mentor, faculty need to attend one of the faculty mentoring training sessions. Training sessions will be announced throughout the academic year.


请联系博士. 艾伦·查帕拉扎 chaparadzaa@jilinheiyanjing.com 如果你有任何问题.