

365bet has been awarded a 5 year 第三章补助金 from the U.S. 教育部. 第三章, Part A - Strengthening Institutional Programs (SIP) Grants are a combination of Discretionary/Competitive Grants and Cooperative Agreements Program. SIP provides discretionary grants to eligible institutions of higher education to help them become self-sufficient and expand their capacity to serve low-income students, by providing funds to improve and strengthen the institution’s academic quality, institutional management, and fiscal stability. 

The 365bet 第三章 grant will run from October 1, 2020 to September 30, 2025. 在 completion of the grant cycle, the university will decide to institutionalize programs that were proven to increase the overall student success goals of the institution. Below you will find more information as it pertains to the specific goals of the grant 在阿卜苏.

Coaching and 学生的成功 Initiatives

The 第三章 Coaching and 学生的成功 Initiatives office is located in the area of 学生的成功 and Strategic Initiatives. The following lays out the grant goals 和计划.


  • Purpose First onboarding structure and programming developed as an extended orientation experience to facilitate career exploration coupled with guided major selection early in a student’s postsecondary career.
  • Course development of a general education core course focused on the study of the ethnographies of work as the cornerstone academic experience for a first-year learning community engaged in experiential learning to establish a foundation of skills for 劳动力市场准备情况.
  • Creation of a career readiness course that is embedded in the curriculum activities aligned with learning outcomes of the top ten high enrolled first-year student general 教育核心课程.
  • Supporting students during their first two years at the university through development 成功教练模式的一部分.
  • Development of career readiness services through college-focused Career Coaching.
  • Development of student employment as high impact practice in experiential learning.
  • Increasing the capacity of the institution to engage students in career readiness experiential learning through internships and undergraduate research.
  • 教师 and staff development programs focused on integrating career readiness and labor market analysis into the curricular 还有课外经验s of students early in their educational journeys to facilitate a prudent academic program choice with sensitivity to the progression and achievement gaps experienced by low socio-economic and first-generation students. Development sessions can take the form of on-campus workshops by exemplary faculty, staff, and project personnel supplemented by consultants; travel to off-campus workshops/seminars; 和一个暑期学院
  • 教师 and staff development programs in administration and outcomes interpretation of career assessment inventories, as well as skilled in accessing and leveraging economic modeling data to embed career readiness curriculum activities into the student academic 还有课外经验.

Professional development is the key to the first focal point’s positive impact.



第一批学者 is a program for students that facilitates career exploration and career readiness as they begin their college career.

As part of the 第三章 grant initiative, 经济建模工具 are being provided to the 365bet campus.  Lightcast offers labor market analytics and economic modeling designed to connect students, education, and work. 数据挖掘可以 be used to identify current labor market trends and assist with program evaluation and identification of key areas for change.  Lightcast tools can support students in career exploration and help to provide connections between degree pathways, career options, and labor market needs.  Lightcast also identifies careers that alumni are pursuing and relates them to their degrees earned 在阿卜苏.  它们一起使用 tools will not only help attain the goals of the 第三章 grant but will also provide many benefits to all 365bet students, faculty, and staff.