
大学 Curriculum 委员会

会员: 23个成员

描述: The committee receives proposed changes in curriculum and makes final recommendations to the President of the 大学. The 委员会 may initiate studies of academic and/or curricular concern and make resultant recommendations to the President of the 大学. It may deliberate and make recommendations relative to curricular and/or academic proposals submitted to it through usual academic offices or by faculty organizations. In addition, the 委员会 advises on matters which the President may submit to the 委员会 for its consideration. The General Education Standing 委员会 shall report to the Provost and Senior Vice President for 学术事务 or the 大学 Curriculum 委员会. When either the Provost and Senior Vice President for 学术事务 or the 大学 Curriculum 委员会 desires review of CORE courses or CORE issues, this standing committee will be available for this purpose.  This committee may convene during the first week of the fall semester and, on rare occasions, may convene electronically during the summer.

(Approver: 教务长/ SVPAA)

2023-2024 会员:

名字 Area 部门 服务期限*
Buzz胡恩 院长、煤炭 煤炭 2022-2025
Dylnn威廉姆斯 迪恩,COBHS CoBHS 2023-2026
艾伦Barger 导演  BSGS/AS LIBA Program and 学生的成功 2021-2024
下级法官幸福 教师、CoBHS Health and Human Performance 2022-2025
格雷戈里·哈蒙德 教师、煤炭 历史 2021-2024
蒂姆的自我 教师、结实的 Management and Marketing 2023-2026
Margaret Rennerfeldt 教师、煤炭 戏剧和舞蹈 2022-2025
查拉主要 教师、煤炭 Languages and Literature 2023-2026
威廉·雷伯恩 教师、CoBHS 领导 and Organizational 政府 2022-2025
Roxanne Gerbrandt 教师、CoBHS 社会学 2023-2026
约翰·沃尔克 教师、结实的 Management and Marketing 2021-2024
贝妮塔Bruster 教师、科 Educational Specialties 2021-2024
尼古拉斯·科尔曼 教师、CoSTEM Computer Science and Information
Manisha圣人 教师参议院 Representative 生物学 2023-2024
韦斯·阿特金森 研究生 Representative Associate Dean, Graduate Studies 2023-2024


塔克布朗 学术事务 Senior Vice Provost and Associate Vice President for 学术事务 永久


艾玛·道尔顿 Undergraduate Student Student Representative 2023-2024
约瑟夫•威廉姆斯 Undergraduate Student Student Representative 2023-2024
阿米莉亚Fancher 研究生 Student Representative 2023-2024
Kakali Chakrabarti General Education Standing 委员会 General Education Standing 委员会 Representative 依据职权
Dametraus贾格尔 Professional Advising 学生的成功 Coordinator 依据职权
Maria Cronley, Chair 教务长/ SVPAA 学术事务 常任理事国

* Service Term is September through August

** These individuals are completing a term for a previously appointed member.

If you have questions, concerns, or would like more information about the 大学 Curriculum 委员会, please contact:

电子邮件: obrienjr@jilinheiyanjing.com