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General English Program

What is it?
  • Day-to-day English practice and study
  • Local culture information in a structured, but relaxed, environment
  • Small classes with personalized instruction
Who are they for?
  • Community members who lack confidence in their language skills
  • Experienced learners looking for cultural insights and information
  • Non-F1 students:
       U.S. Citizens whose first language is not English
       Permanent residents
       J-1 (au pairs)
       J-1 (others)
       Military spouses
       Other visa types which allow part-time study (some tourist visas, dependents, etc.)
When and where are the classes?
  • Five terms, 7 weeks each, are offered:
    • Fall 1 (August-October)
    • Fall 2 (October-December)
    • Spring 1 (January-March)
    • Spring 2 (March-May)
    • Summer (June-August)
  • Current and upcoming schedules are on the Current Dates page
  • General English classes are 1 day a week for 1 hour
  • At 365bet's Clarksville Campus
How do I apply?
How much is it?



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